Industrial Machinery

Experienced Workplace Injury Lawyers

Recovery for injuries sustained while at work is normally limited by California law to lost wages and medical expenses. Generally, workers injured on the job are not entitled to seek compensation in court for their injuries, including pain and suffering, or to have a jury hear their case.

Hersh & Hersh has substantial experience in overcoming the bar against lawsuits involving job related injuries and industrial accidents. We have successfully represented numerous individuals who have been injured while at work, obtaining compensation for the pain and suffering endured by our clients by successfully arguing that the industrial equipment involved in the injury was defective or that dangerous conditions at the job site were the cause of worker injuries.

Passionate Representation in Industrial Accidents

Contact Hersh & Hersh: 800-441-5545

In one case, Hersh & Hersh successfully represented a young worker whose arm was sucked into a piece of soil-sifting equipment while he was operating the machine. The machine did not have a guard at the “nip point” where his arm became caught nor was there any emergency power cut-off switch to turn the machine off once plaintiff’s fingers became stuck. The worker’s arm was slowly sucked into the machine over the course of several hours until a passerby was able to free him. His right arm was permanently deformed and is almost useless. The young worker brought an action against the foreign corporation that manufactured and distributed the soil sifting machine as well as his employer and the landowner who was engaged in a joint venture with plaintiff’s employer for the removal and sifting of sand in the Sacramento Valley. The case was settled prior to trial for a substantial amount.

In another case, Hersh & Hersh obtained substantial compensation for the pain and suffering of an injured worker who suffered a disabling heel fracture and chronic pain syndrome after falling from scaffolding erected at the work site. Hersh & Hersh successfully argued that the general contractor maintained an unsafe work site and ordered subcontractors, including the plaintiff, to work under unsafe conditions. The case was settled just prior to trial for a substantial amount.

If you or a loved one has been seriously injured by industrial machinery, please contact us for a free consultation with one of our attorneys.


San Francisco Office
1388 Sutter St #1210

San Francisco, CA 94109

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